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How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport


How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airportHow to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport? The cheapest way and best way to get to the MXP airport from central Milan is to take the metro system to the trains that connect at the airport.

How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport?

Cost: 12€ plus cost of a metro ticket 1.50€ for a single ride

First take the metro to the Central FS station. Both yellow M3 and the Green M2 connect at this station.

How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport

Exit the station and follow head up the floors following the signs with a train and airplane. The signs are green with white print, there are not many of them but just enough to follow.

After a few levels up you will find yourself in the train station, follow the sign to the Malpensa Express billioterra if you need a ticket, or they can be purchased online here. Check the schedule on line but they typically run only once per hour. At the time of this article the morning trains were at 8:25 and 9:25am.

When buying a ticket at the machines first of all be very aware of the people trying to “help you” they are just there to rob you! It’s best to use the ticket machines inside a closed ticket office the ‘helpers’ aren’t allowed in there. Using the ticket machine first switch the language to English or your preferred language. You can pay by cash or credit card. You may need to manually enter the station the name of the station is Malpensa Aerporto.

How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport

Once you have your ticket check the boards which tell you which track your train will depart from. Hoped we helped you with your quest of:  How to get from Milan to the Milan Malpensa (MXP) airport.  Safe travels.

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