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Portraits of Holi Festival

Portraits of Holi Festival

Attending the annual color festival has been on my bucket list for a few years now, and we finally got to check it off. We attended this year’s Holi festival in Mathura, India. The festival signifies the beginning of spring and is celebrated nationwide.

People take to the streets armed with bagfuls of intensely colored powder and buckets of radioactive colored water. The powder is thrown or smeared onto everyone as they walk through the city. ‘Happy Holi’ is repeated throughout the day as bursts of color come your way.

Generally, everyone was happy to have their picture taken and I got a few good ones. However, others saw a camera and tried to blast it with powder or dump neon-colored water on me and my camera. If you plan on going read my guide on how to protect your camera from the Holi festival. The fist full of powder stopped long enough to click a few good portraits of Holi.

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We were definitely a special target everyone wanted to color us, especially the girls. Most of it was good spirited and fun, but not all. At the end of the day, we were every color of the rainbow. Hannah had some interesting color splatter, it almost looked like an Avatar from the movies.

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No one is exempt from the color, not even the cows. The cows are considered holy and are left to roam the streets and do as they please. They are looked after by the people and on Holi, they are not left out of the celebration.

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Even days after the Holi festival we are still pink in some areas. Hannah’s hair looks like a rebellious teen’s with streaks of pink, my toenails are a nice shade of pink too.

Happy Holi!

India Holi Pins Getting Stamped Holi Festival 2

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How to Protect your camera during holi festival and a color run Feature

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