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Travel Photo Roulette #122 Best Beaches In The World

WINNER: Melody Where I May Roam

Photo Roulette #2

I love how Melody captured the color of the water on Grand Turk, I know this is how it looks as we were just there in November. Thanks to all the entered and look forward to Melody hosting the next round.

Koh Lipe - Koh Lipe Thailand Guide - Blog image-4

It’s time for another round of Travel Photo Roulette! We won last rounds  Travel Photo Roulette themed “Paradise.” Here is our winning photo taken from one of the best beaches in the world Koh Lipe Thailand.

According to the rules of the competition, I get to choose the next theme, receive and post the pictures that are submitted, and choose the winner!

Best Beaches In The World

Travel Photo Roulette round #122 will be “best beaches in the world.”  It doesn’t have to be from the cover or Conde Nast. They can be your favorite beach right down the road from you or a far away land. Competition will be based on the quality of the photo not the quality of the beach, so share you best beaches in the world!

How to enter Travel Photo Roulette #122

To enter the Travel Photo Roulette competition simply leave a comment below with a (publicly accessible) link to your image (whether Flickr, Picasa, Smugmug, etc. or your own site) along with a brief description or caption for the photo. You must have a travel/photography blog to enter. Be sure to send the blog link as well as the picture link. Send the country and place. Descriptions aren’t necessary. The explanation should be in the shot.

The Travel Photo Roulette #122 contest runs from today, Sunday, March 13– until midnight EST on Saturday March 19. 

I’ll post the entries as they come in, so check back here throughout the submission period to see them (below), and feel free to comment on them.

When the submission period ends, we’ll review all your awesome travel photos, and will announce the lucky winner of Travel Photo Roulette #122 here.

Travel Photo Roulette Contest Overview

The contest rotates through travel/photography blogs, so the winner of the previous round of Travel Photo Roulette hosts the subsequent round on their own blog. The new host then chooses the next theme (a generic keyword or phrase) and bloggers submit their interpretations of the theme over the course of the contest.

At the end of the submission period, the hosting blogger chooses their favorite photo from the submissions, displays it as that round’s winning entry, and then passes the Travel Photo Roulette baton on to the winner for the next round. Readers can attempt to sway the host blogger into picking a certain photo via comments, but the host ultimately freely chooses their favorite. The game is repeated with the winner hosting the following month’s game and choosing a theme for new photo submissions.

Feel free to share this post on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media so more people can join the contest. And do be sure to use the hashtag #PhotoRoulette!

Previous Travel Photo Roulette Winners

  1. Nov 2010 Living the Dream: Animals
  2. Nov 2010 Skinny Backpacker: Road Signs
  3. Nov 2010 Dream a Little Dream: Street Art
  4. Dec 2010 Flashpacker HQ: Festival
  5. Dec 2010 Over Yonderlust: Landmarks
  6. Dec 2010 Don’t Ever Look Back: Beaches
  7. Jan 2011 ThePlanetD: Portraits
  8. Jan 2011 Travel with a Mate: Motion
  9. Jan 2011 Johnny Vagabond: Water
  10. Feb 2011 Ken Kaminesky: Urban
  11. Feb 2011 Travels of Adam: Friday Night
  12. Mar 2011 Itchy Feet Chronicles: The Journey
  13. Mar 2011 Brendan’s Adventures: Changing Seasons
  14. Apr 2011 Shutterfeet: Storytelling
  15. Apr 2011 10 Times One: Piousness
  16. Apr 2011 Beached Eskimo: Learning
  17. May 2011 Travel Junkies: Architecture
  18. Jun 2011 Destination World: Transportation
  19. Jun 2011 Living the Dream: Paradise
  20. Jun 2011 Vagabond Quest: Clothes
  21. Jul 2011 The Unframed World: Symmetry
  22. Jul 2011 Beached Eskimo: Home
  23. Jul 2011 BackPackerBanter: Inspiration
  24. Aug 2011 WanderingTrader: Darkness
  25. Aug 2011 Finding the Universe: Tranquillity
  26. Sep 2011 Fearful Adventurer: Food
  27. Sep 2011 Adventures of a GoodMan: City
  28. Oct 2011 Reflection
  29. Oct 2011 Scene With A Hart: Framing
  30. Nov 2011 Vagabond Quest: Silhouettes
  31. Nov 2011 Hecktic Travels: Music
  32. Dec 2011 Globetrotter Girls: Love
  33. Dec 2011 Man on the lam: Humor
  34. Jan 2012 My Walkabout: Winter
  35. Jan 2012 The Art of Slow Travel: Blue
  36. Feb 2012 Ten times One: Depth of the Field
  37. Feb 2012 Runaway Juno: My Glorious Digital Nomad Moment
  38. Mar 2012 Nomadbiba: Sunshine
  39. Mar 2012 Travel With Kat: Local Character
  40. Apr 2012 The Travel Bunny: Street Scene
  41. Apr 2012 Adventure Crow Spirit of the Country
  42. May 2012 Food Travel Bliss: Evening
  43. May 2012 Matt Gibson Adventure
  44. May 2012 Flashpacker HQ: Once In A Lifetime
  45. Jul 2012 Skinny Backpacker: Surreal
  46. Aug 2012 2away: Smile
  47. Aug 2012 Bridges and Balloons: Excellent Splendour of the Universe
  48. Sep 2012 The GypsyNester: What the ?!
  49. Oct 2012 Runaway Juno: Sweet
  50. Nov 2012 GQ Trippin: Play
  51. Nov 2012 Life’s Little Victories: Friendship
  52. Dec 2012 Breakaway Backpacker: Face
  53. Jan 2013 Fly, Icarus, Fly: Serendipity
  54. Feb 2013 Travel Transmissions: Lost in Thought
  55. Feb 2013 Wanderlusters: The Natural World
  56. Mar 2013 Travel Junkies: Patterns
  57. Apr 2013 Living the Dream: Your First Time
  58. May 2013 Getting Stamped: The Sun Goes Down
  59. Jun 2013 The GypsyNester: Cheesy Tourist Diversions
  60. Jun 2013 Boomeresque: Revolution
  61. Jul 2013 Breakaway Backpacker: Colorful
  62. Aug 2013 Around This World: Mountains
  63. Aug 2013 Passports and Pamplemousse Hands at Work
  64. Sep 2013 TurtlesTravel Dance
  65. Sep 2013 Keep calm and travel The Sea
  66. Sep 2013 Travel Photo Discovery: The Market
  67. Oct 2013 Am I Nearly There Yet?: Travel Fails
  68. Oct 2013 The GypsyNester: Weird Regional Foods
  69. Nov 2013 Sophie’s World: Trees
  70. Nov 2013 SHOuTography: Party
  71. Dec 2013 Adventures of a Goodman: Ruin
  72. Dec 2013 Have Blog Will Travel: Light
  73. Jan 2014 This World Rocks: Crowds
  74. Jan 2014 Travel Past 50: Competition
  75. Feb 2014 The Working Traveller: Working
  76. Mar 2014 Travels with Carole: Umbrellas
  77. Apr 2014 Independent Travel Help Quirky
  78. Apr 2014 Quit Job Travel World Statues
  79. May 2014 Nomad is Beautiful People Sleeping
  80. May 2014 Backpack Me: Mouthwatering
  81. Jun 2014 20 Years Hence: The Face of A Nation
  82. Jul 2014 Two for the Road: Into the Wild
  83. Jul 2014 TurtlesTravel: Summer!
  84. Aug 2014 Adventures Around Asia: Candid
  85. Aug 2014 Travel with Kevin and Ruth: Hiking
  86. Sept 2014 Till The Money Runs Out: Transport
  87. Sept 2014 The Crowded Planet: Wild World
  88. Sept 2014 ZigZag On Earth: The 4 Elements
  89. Oct 2014 Travel Addicts: Heritage
  90. Oct 2014 Living the Dream: Your Grand Adventure
  91. Oct 2014 Getting Stamped: Inspire
  92. Nov 2014 Flashpacker HQ: Viewpoint
  93. Jan 2015 Adventures of a GoodMan: WOW!
  94. Jan 2015 ZigZag On Earth: Roads and Tracks
  95. Feb 2015 Where’s The Gos?: Street Art
  96. Mar 2015 Ice Cream and Perma Frost: Frozen
  97. Mar 2015 Journey Jottings: Detail
  98. April 2015 House Sitting Travel: What’s your Angle?
  99. April 2015 JetWayz: Spiritual Beauty
  100. April 2015 The Trading Travelers: Celebrate
  101. May 2015 Street Food World Tour: Epic
  102. May 2015 Next Stop Who Knows: Landscape
  103. May 2015 We Travel Together: Wildlife
  104. May 2015 Vagabond Way: Festival
  105. June 2015 Travel Addicts: Landmarks
  106. June 2015 TravelnLass: Wrinkles
  107. July 2015 Anita’s Feast: Food Markets
  108. July 2015 Dare2Go: Dry
  109. August 2015 Travel Past 50: Home
  110. August 2015 Barefoot Nomad: Door
  111. September 2015 House Sitting Travel: Shapes
  112. September 2015 Berkeley and Beyond: Cemeteries
  113. October 2015 Dare2Go: Reflections
  114. October 2015 Journey Jottings: Thirst Quenching
  115. November 2015 Not A Ballerina: Home Away From Home
  116. November 2015 Nibble, Sip, Wander: Holiday
  117. December 2015 Travel with Kat: Light
  118. December 2015 Let Me Be Free: Traditions
  119. December 2015 TravelnLass: Blue
  120. January 2016 Trip Wellness: Cultural Contrast
  121. January 2016 Rachel’s Ruminations: Paradise
  122. March 2016 Getting Stamped: Best Beaches In The World

Entry #1 Chris from To India And Beyond

Photo Roulette #!

It is Baia do Sancho on Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. Taken in June 2014 when I was there for the World Cup.

Entry #2 Melody from Wherever I May Roam Blog

Photo Roulette #2

A great shot of the color variations in Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands. Wherever I May Roam Blog.

Entry #3 Our Wanders


Tunnels Beach in Kauai, Hawaii, taken during our trip to Kauai last April.

Entry #4 Anne from Let Me Be Free Blog

Photo Roulette #4

Little beach in Albany, Western Australia has the brightest turquoise waters and the whitest sand I have ever seen. Looking at the waves the water is transparent you can see straight through the wave.