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A Walk on the Beaches of Zanzibar

A Walk on the Beaches of Zanzibar

Take a walk along the white sand beaches of Zanzibar. A two-hour boat ride off the shore of Tanzania lies the island of Zanzibar in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar beaches are some of the best in the world.

The bright blue waters reminded me of Negril, Jamacia, and the bright white sands made me think of Koh Lipe Thailand. Zanzibar is as beautiful as either of those destinations but still had a less developed feel to it.

We traveled in an off-season for the island of Zanzibar but found ourselves often the only tourists on the Zanzibar beaches. During the off-season, there are great hotel deals in Zanzibar to be found, and you will have the beach almost to yourself. We didn’t mind being the only ones, but it’s rare for a place with such raw beauty.

Beaches of Zanzibar ~Zanzibar beaches
Beaches of Zanzibar ~Zanzibar beaches
Beaches of Zanzibar ~Zanzibar beaches

Along with the sand and water, the traditional boats called ‘dhows’ added some charm to the Zanzibar beach scenes. Zanzibar is thought to have some of the oldest boat building roots in the world’s history. Making crafts for the sea has always been an important industry in Zanzibar.

The boats in operation today look as I would imagine they would centuries ago when Zanzibar was in its prime. The old wooden boats look aged and weathered, and the sails look as if they were taken from the set of Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

We spent three nights soaking up the sun on the Zanzibar beaches as part of our 43-day overland safari with Acacia Africa traveling from Nairobi to Cape Town.

If you are looking at taking a safari on your own, we’d recommend booking with Tour Radar and getting on an Acacia Africa operated overland.

*We would like to thank Acacia Africa for inviting as guests on such an amazing opportunity. As always, the content & opinions expressed here are entirely our own.*


Tuesday 3rd of November 2015

My wife and I got married on a sandbank just off Zanzibar last year so naturally it's one of our favourite places and it's great to see others enjoying such a wonderful yet still somehow relatively under-visited gem. We keep talking about going back already which says a lot given the other awesome places out there! I hope you guys enjoyed Z-bar as much as we did anway!

I see you've been to the Serengeti (pics look fantastic btw), but I don't suppose you nipped down into the Ngorongoro Crater as part of your safari as well by any chance? A few of the pics look like the camp just above it.


Tuesday 3rd of November 2015

My wife and I got married on a sandbank just off Zanzibar last year so naturally it's one of our favourite places and it's great to see others enjoying such a wonderful yet still somehow relatively under-visited gem. We keep talking about going back already which says a lot given the other awesome places out there! I hope you guys enjoyed Z-bar as much as we did anyway!

I see you've been to the Serengeti (pics look fantastic btw), but I don't suppose you nipped down into the Ngorongo Crater as part of your safari as well by any chance? A few of the pics look like the camp just above it.

Angelica @BKChickTravels

Tuesday 4th of November 2014

Absolutely white! Cool that you two were the only ones tourist wise.


Saturday 3rd of January 2015

Gorgeous beaches, Africa was full of great surprises!

Adrienne @ AdrienneAway

Friday 1st of August 2014

Those beaches look beautiful!


Monday 29th of September 2014

They were, glad we were able to get some beach time in on our African safari!


Saturday 31st of May 2014

Beautiful beach pics! The turquoise water is lovely and I just love how exotic Zanzibar sounds!


Monday 29th of September 2014

Thanks, Zanzibar is what you would expect BEAUTIFUL!