When I first heard about the Baby Brezza Formula Pro, I thought it was bougie and over the top. What I didn’t know was what it was like having a baby that drinks 8+ bottles a day, at all hours of the day, and how tired I would be.
So, after two weeks of exclusively formula feeding my son, I bought the Baby Brezza Formula Pro. GAMECHANGER, it legit makes a perfect warm bottle in under 10 seconds.

My Baby Brezza Formula Pro Review
I am a real mother who not only owned one Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced but two. I had one in my kitchen and one on the second floor in my bedroom. I was not about to get up in the middle of the night and go downstairs…so I guess I am bougie after all.
I have two children, both I exclusively pumped with for around two months. After two months of being an under producer and supplementing with formula for my son, I decided to end my breastfeeding journey. That was the best decision for us and me mentally.
I lasted about two weeks making formula bottles by hand before buying the Baby Brezza Formula Pro. My husband even agrees that it is one of his top five best baby products, hence why he was totally on board with buying a second formula machine for our bedroom.
With my daughter, I produced enough breastmilk, but I wasn’t happy with her weight gain. I also was mentally exhausted from pumping, washing pump parts, etc. So after 2.5 months, I switched her to formula as well.
You can read my Elvie Stride pump review here, and my Willow Go pump review here. If you are pumping, a hands-free wireless pump is also a game-changer. They are often a slight upgrade charge when getting your free breast pump through insurance.

So imagine this, or maybe this is your life right now:
It’s 3 am, and your baby is crying, waiting for a bottle. You struggle all the way to your kitchen, half asleep, and wait…did you just put 4 scoops into this baby bottle instead of 3? You start over. You knock over the bottle. Now there’s lukewarm water on the kitchen floor. Wouldn’t it have been nice just to tap a button to avoid the crying and the mess and have a fresh warm bottle?
This was me, I was groggy during every nighttime feed. Half asleep, I made (and remade) countless bottles. But that was before I invested in the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advance Baby Formula Dispenser. Now, it’s possible to tap, grab, and go.
Stop making your life more difficult and buy the Baby Brezza Formula Pro now. Alright, let’s get into my in depth Baby Brezza formula review!

What is the Baby Brezza Formula Pro?
It looks and feels like a Keurig coffee maker but for babies. Instead of hot coffee, it makes perfectly warm mixed formula bottles in seconds.
This formula maker mixes water and formula to match the recommendation of your physician/formula type. You then choose how many ounces you want to dispense and the temperature setting. Push the button, and in under ten seconds, you have a perfectly warm premixed bottle for your baby.

Step by Step Guide How To Use the Baby Brezza Formula Pro
Once you find the right setting for your formula, put the machine together, and add water/formula, it is as straightforward as tap, grab, and go. The Baby Brezza Formula Dispenser is simple to use and learn, even for those who aren’t technologically savvy.
It is only four quick steps or two steps if you always make the same size and temperature bottle.
- Put a bottle under the spout.
- Choose how many ounces you want to make. It will keep this setting from last time, so if you always make the same size bottle, you can skip this step.
- Choose the temperature. It will keep this setting from last time, so if you always use the same temperature, you can skip this step.
- Hit start

Difference Between Formula Pro Advanced vs. Pro Advanced Wifi
The Baby Brezza Pro Advanced Wifi formula dispenser can make a bottle with the press of a button on your phone from the Baby Brezza App. So when you get down to the machine, your bottle is sitting there, ready for you. The only other difference is you can save up to five bottle settings in the app.
I didn’t buy the Wifi version because I didn’t think it was worth the extra money, and I know I would always forget to put a bottle under the spout. So I guess you could say this is a Formula Pro Advanced review, not the wifi version, but the machine is the same except for not having the option of the app and to make a bottle via the app.
Difference Between Baby Brezza Formula Pro vs. Pro Advanced
I have this Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced, and that is most likely the one you will purchase easily. I don’t think you can easily buy the original Formula Pro.
The biggest differences between the original Formula Pro and the Formula Pro Advanced: has a digital display, makes bottles in one-ounce increments instead of only two-ounce increments, is smaller in size, and has fewer parts requiring cleaning. All of these are pros and reasons to buy the advanced.
New Baby Brezza Formula Pro Mini vs. Formula Pro Advanced
The newest version of the Formula Pro is the Mini, and it is pretty awesome and the cheapest Baby Brezza formula dispenser. This is a great option for parents with smaller spaces, who wanted a cheaper option, or who wanted a travel formula dispenser. The key differences are:
- 30% smaller than Formula Pro Advanced
- Only one temperature setting
- Easy to use
- Consistent
- Convenient
- Compatible with all bottle and formula types
- Cost ($299.99)
- Requires the funnel and cover to be cleaned after every four bottles to avoid formula and mineral build-up. I suggest buying these spare funnels to avoid this problem.
- The machine forces you to clean it, keep it stocked with formula, and stocked with water in the water tank in order to function at all times.
- Some bad press (Some mothers have claimed that it didn’t dispense the correct ratio of formula: water)

Cleaning & Maintenance
It’s very easy to clean the Baby Brezza Formula Pro, but certain parts do need to be cleaned frequently. This is to help avoid formula and mineral build-up. I always washed the parts in warm soapy water, but the water tank is dishwasher safe.
One of the biggest cons is you have to clean or change the funnels after every four bottles. This is why I suggest buying these spare funnels.
It will show a CLEAN on the machine display if you have to clean the funnels. You can just force it in and out to make it work if you are in a pinch.
Baby Brezza recommends once a month, you fully disassemble the machine and sterilize the water tank, formula tank, and mixing components. I would also suggest buying this Baby Brezza Descaler that removed mineral build-up and is said to extend the lifespan of the machine.
Changing the funnel is super easy. You just slide it out and slide it back in. If you are assembling the machine for the first time or after cleaning all parts, I recommend watching this video. It shows you piece by piece what to do. Setup takes less than a minute.
Baby Brezza Settings
There are only six buttons on the machine, three of which are setting machines. The other buttons are the power button, start button, and water only button.
- Ounces – Choose between 2-10 ounces
- Temperature – There are three temperature settings
- Powder Setting – The specific setting is based on what formula brand you use. See below for more on this.

What Baby Formulas Work with the Baby Brezza Formula Machine?
Almost all brands of formula are compatible. I used Similac with my son and Bobbie with my daughter.
Before making your first bottles of formula, make sure you change the powder setting specific to your brand of formula to ensure it is dispensing the accurate amount of formula to water ratio.
Cheaper Similar Alternatives
If the Formula Pro isn’t in your budget and you are looking for a cheaper option that makes making bottles easier, here are a few options. I own a few of the below and bring them with me traveling.
- Baby Brezza Instant Warmer – Dispenses warm water, and then you just have to mix in your powder formula.
- Baby Brezza Motorized Baby Formula Mixer Pitcher – I have this and brought it when traveling. I prefer to prepare formula in larger quantities. That way, I am not mixing water and measuring formula in the middle of the night. I loved this, and it was super cheap. I brought this to our cabin, Mexico, Europe, etc.
- Dr. Brown’s Baby Formula Mixing Pitcher – A cheaper version of the above, but you mix it manually.
- Premeasured Formula Dispenser – I loved these for travel days. You fill the containers will the premeasured amount of formula you need for whatever size bottle you know you’ll be making. That way, you just have to dump it in a bottle with water and not deal with measuring on the go. If you are flying, you can bring this preportioned with the number of bottles you know you will need for the day vs. bringing the whole can of formula.
- Travel Baby Bottle Warmer – They all kind of suck if you ask me. This is the best one I found, and I tested a ton…my son would only drink warm bottles.
- Bottle Warmer – I always had to travel with a bottle warmer because my son would only drink warm bottles. I tried cheap ones and expensive ones. This was the best one, and it was one of the cheapest ones. I own three of these. One is at my cabin, one is at grandma’s house, and one is in our suitcase for trips.

Instead of measuring water and formula, I can take that time to cuddle and play with my daughter. Mixing, measuring, and warming bottles doesn’t take long, but wouldn’t you rather spend those few minutes with your baby?
Plus, when someone else is watching the baby, I just have to tell them to place a bottle and press a button. (Instead of telling them how much water, how many scoops, how to heat it up, etc.)
I’m so happy I made this investment. Making bottles has never been so effortless. Long gone are the days of heating bottles under the tap, spilling the water after measuring, scooping formula, shaking and mixing, and making a mess.
The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advance WiFi Baby Formula Dispenser has made my mom-life just a little easier, and for that, it is worth the investment. I hope my baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced review helped convenience you that you need it! I highly recommend it to every mom looking for an easier night or just looking for some extra time with their little one!
Do you have any comments or suggestions you think I should add to my Baby Brezza review? Leave a comment below! I am all about learning new tricks and things to make mom life easier and sharing the word with other parents.