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8 Tips for Surviving Summer in Europe

8 Tips for Surviving Summer in Europe

Heading off to Europe this summer? Here are our 8 tips for surviving summer in Europe. Follow these tips if you insist on traveling during peak season.

1.) Know what you are getting yourself intoTips for surviving summer in Europe-2

Bracing yourself for the crowds is the first step to not letting them ruin your time.

2.) Minimize your time in the big cities

Cities like Rome and Paris draw huge crowds every summer. I am not saying skip them, but plan your time to hit the highlights and move on to smaller quieter places.

3.) Wake up early and stay out late


No matter which city you are in, you won’t feel the crowds until after 9 or 10 in the morning. Set your alarm clock and tick off a few sights before most have had their first cup of coffee.

Stay out late in cities like Venice, where cruise ships stop for the day, and the population instantly doubles. Cruisers are back on the boat by dinner time usually and the thinner crowds are much more pleasant in the evening.

4.) Stay onshore


A cruise that takes you to 37 countries in 10 days might sound like a great way to see a lot, but what do you really get to see or experience? Not to mention like I said above, you are jumping off the boat with 3,000 other people all going to the same places at the same time.

Tips for surviving summer in Europe

5.) Rent a car

A good old-fashioned road trip is a great way to see Europe and gives you ultimate control.

6.) Book refundable roomsParis France - Paris City Tops - 70

Normally I would say ‘just don’t book anything at all’, but I hesitate in this case because you could show up to a city and have no options, literally. I say book refundable to keep you flexible. If the crowds get to be too much in one country refundable rooms get you off the hook and onto something that looks more fun once you are there.

7.) Watch your pocketsParis France-Ring Scam-104

Nothing could ruin an already stressful trip than getting robbed. Big cities in Europe are known for having some of the most skilled pickpockets and scammers. Most notably Rome, Paris, and Barcelona, but any big city beware.

Research before you go what the common scams are before you go. We even got targeted and someone tried to play ‘The Ring Scam’ on us, and we caught the scam on camera.

8.) If all else fails drink wineParis France - Food Tour Tops - 197

One of my favorite parts of Europe is that good wine is really cheap. Nothing fixes an overcrowded day better than a bottle of wine.

Have you visited Europe in the summer? If so, any tips you have for surviving Europe in the summer?